The lab can be tedious and overwhelming, especially in the middle of studying for the course and the final.
Contact me for help with the HOL (hands on labs) or the dry labs.
Additionally I’ve created a video series in which you’ll watch me complete all the VIRTUAL labs and instruct you on every nuance of the process. Included with this video series are printable pdf files that include all the data from the labs AND my analysis of the data — in short, it’s everything you need to do well on the virtual labs!
Watch this video for details:
Please contact me if you have ANY questions about how the lab is graded or how the lab affects your final grade. I’m here to help.
There are two ways to purchase: 1) follow the link to Vimeo, and buy the video series. Then email me with a proof of purchase to get your pdf files. or 2) email me directly and I’ll set you up!
There are discounts for buying the entire package through me directly. Contact me for more info.